
Currently I am developing a classical emulator for quantum circuits at Fermioniq, an Amsterdam-based startup. Here we use tensor networks to push the boundaries of classical emulation with a   high-performance GPU implementation.

Before coming to Fermioniq I was a postdoc at the University of Amsterdam in the field of Theoretical Physics. On the academic side, I am interested in the computational/numerical side of theoretical physics, in the subfield of condensed matter theory, in which I also obtained my PhD in April 2022. The methods I develop and apply are based on   Tensor Networks, which can be used to efficiently simulate many interesting classes of quantum states.


During my studies I cofounded Rubyprog, in which we have given several programming courses at high schools, as well as a Summerschool in programming at the University of Amsterdam. Also we developed several webapplications, written mostly in the Ruby on Rails framework.

I was also involved in the development team of SciPost, an open scientific publication platform.


I am from Haarlem, Netherlands, but currently live in Amsterdam.


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